Stelios Stergiadis: He may have been defensive but...

As you recall, the Croatian coach worked at PAOK in Thessaloniki last year. The Arena Press editor Stelios Stergiadis talked about Galatasaray's new coach Igor Tudor.

As you know, Tudor worked at PAOK last year but left mid-season. What was the reason for this separation?
The cause of the termination of cooperation was that lost control of the locker room. At the beginning of the season started well, with positive results and qualification to the Europa League groups, but then could not stand the pressure. Especially when they began the consecutive negative results.

How does him communicate with the players, fans and media?
There was a problem between the players and the coaching staff, the Tudor not to take responsibility and to blame the players for the defeats. With the fans had a good relationship, but when the losses began quite logically turned against him. With the media was all good, until I began to review its options. In several cases he was induced to disagree strongly at a press conference.

Tudor was a young coach but served on an important team like PAOK. PAOK was third in the league. They played semi-finals in the Greek Cup. They stayed in groups in the European League. What do you think of Tudor's team?
Besides the poor results, the Tudor left PAOK because the team had too many injury problems. Until the day he left there were 39 (!) fractures. The Tudor was a selection of Frank Arnesen who was the technical director of PAOK. First the left Arnesen and then followed the Tudor.

How is the game style (formation) of Igor Tudor?
PAOK from the beginning of the season tried to implement 3-5-2, although it had the players to do so. Initially it was difficult to deal with opponents, especially in Greece, as well as any team not playing with three stoppers. When playing football, he may have been defensive but PAOK wanted to play attacking football.

Can he be successful in Galatasaray?
I believe that it will not withstand the pressure on Galatasaray. I know where the pressure is very big, bigger than PAOK. When she feels depressed that will more confused and will blame the players. If I was president at Galatasaray, I'd get another coach with more experience from Tudor. In Karabuk had no pressure on the result, while in Galata will certainly have the first match already! It is ideal for groups that do not have high goals, but the team with requirements chasing titles, I do not think is good.

Garry Rodrigues was transferred to Galatasaray in the middle of the season. What do you think about him?
The Rodriguez was by far the quickest player in the Greek league. He came to 300,000 euros PAOK and left with 3,500,000. Excellent player, very fast and worked great on the final attempt, scoring goals previously could not be put.

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